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General Settings

Parse modules

To provide function completion and documentation run this on a selected target.

This will run sys.list_functions, sys.doc, sys.list_runner_functions and sys.runner_doc on the selected target.

It will also run doc.wheel on the connected salt master.

If you have custom modules present on the selected target, they will be parsed too.

Minions Fields

To add more details in the minion detail page, you can add custom minions fields.

We usually add:

  • highstate: state.show_highstate
  • top file: state.show_highstate


Because minions fields are linked to minions, you need to first have some minions present in the database.

Use the refresh minions action button.

User Settings

Job notifications

Filter which events are being displayed in the notification section and real-time events.


Salt's event stream is very busy and can easily overwhelm the available memory for a browser tab. This control both notifications and real-time events on the overview page.